Mysore Ashtanga

Interested in beginning a lifelong yoga practice? Interested in adapting your practice to your body? Interested in working one-on-one with the same teacher every day. Read on for information about Mysore Ashtanga and the program at Bluebird Sky Yoga. 


A window into the Mysore Ashtanga room at Bluebird Sky Yoga.

Mysore Ashtanga in Brief

Eric Yagoda Photography

Eric Yagoda Photography

Mysore style Ashtanga is the traditional way to learn the Ashtanga Yoga system, named after the city of its origin, Mysore, India. This style is an individualized practice for beginners through advanced students, allowing practitioners to work one-on-one with a teacher in a group setting. Rather than the teacher leading students through postures together, each student practices a set series of postures at their own pace.

Students begin their practice on the Primary Series, and many spend their entire life working on these postures. Some students will move on to later sequences across many years of practice. Students practice regularly, at least 3 days a week and up to 6 days a week for many years, or even a lifetime.

More information for beginners below.

Eric Yagoda Photography

Eric Yagoda Photography

In addition to practicing postures, students work to expand their concentration and consciousness by focusing on the breath, bandhas (energy locks in the body), and drishti (single-pointed gaze). Meditation can be incorporated into practioner’s daily practice as well.


Mysore-style Ashtanga (Teacher Assisted)

  • 7:00-9:00AM Tuesdays and Thursdays (doors open at 6:30)

  • 8:00-9:30 AM Sundays

Students are invited to start their Mysore practice at any time during the hours of operation when the teacher is assisting. Our teachers will be present in the room to assist students with hands on assists, verbal direction, and answering any questions they may have with regard to practice.

**Please see the Mysore room etiquette at the bottom of the page.

There are 4 ways to begin practice with us.

1. Have an existing Mysore or Ashtanga practice.

2. Attend an Intro to Mysore (offered throughout the year)

3. Take Ashtanga Led Full Primary for at least a month

4. Send an email to Janet Walkoe ( to discuss the best way to begin.

Ashtanga Led class

  • 6:45-8:00 AM Fridays (Full Led Primary Series)


New students

Eric Yagoda Photography

Eric Yagoda Photography

Mysore-style Ashtanga is a great option, whether you've been practicing for 1 day or 10 years. You are welcome to just show up for practice whenever you're ready to begin.  Should you have any questions prior to your first visit, you can email

If you are new to the Mysore room, on your first day the teacher will introduce herself to you and find out a little more about your prior yoga (if any) or movement history. This will help her tailor your first day to your specific needs.

New Students (who have an existing practice): You are welcome to join anytime! If you are practicing a series other than Primary, please practice Primary on your first day.

Traveling Students: You are welcome to come and practice with us! Please practice Primary only your first day in the studio.

Should you have any questions prior to your first visit, you can email or


Meet the Mysore Teaching Team

Meghan Powell and Eric Yagoda Photography

Mysore Room Etiquette

Below you will find some studio etiquette guidelines as well as some guidelines that teachers will follow.

Student etiquette:

Inside the Mysore Room

  • Practice mindfully with care and consideration for yourself and others

  • Silence and store cell phones and smart watches away from your mat to avoid distractions

  • Stay hydrated by drinking water before and especially after class; eventually try to avoid drinking water during practice unless you have extenuating circumstances.

  • Bathe before practice-either the night before or the morning of

  • Avoid strong perfumes or body products

  • Clean your yoga mat and clothes regularly

  • Practice on an empty stomach 

Teacher etiquette:

  • All teachers and assistants in the room will be introduced on the website. You will know who is adjusting you.

  • All teachers and assistants have a regular practice and continue to learn through workshops and practice.

  • You do not have to receive adjustments. Teachers and assistants will ask permission before they adjust you.

  • If you feel any discomfort in an adjustment, please let the teacher or assistant know.

Photographer: Mariah Miranda

Mysore FAQ

Q: Do I need to know anything about yoga or have a self practice before I begin?

A: No. On your first day in the Mysore room, Janet or another teacher will explain everything you need to know. They will show you a few poses. You'll repeat the poses a few times to memorize them. If you're ready for more poses, they will teach you a few more. No prior yoga experience necessary.

Q: What's the difference between Mysore and a regular class?

A: In most yoga classes, the teacher leads students through poses together. Everyone aims to move and breathe at the same time. In the Mysore room, students work with a teacher, but move through at their own pace and work on a sequence customized to them. Mysore-style Ashtanga is akin to taking a private lesson in a group setting. 

Q: Is the class 120 minutes long?

A: No. Each practice is individual. Some students will practice for 30 minutes, while other students may practice for almost two hours. Students are invited to come begin their practice any time in the window that the Mysore room is open.

Q: Why would a student choose Mysore over another class style?

A: Some of the top cited reasons for practice Mysore are listed below:

  • Mysore gives you the opportunity to build a personal practice, which you can then practice at home or when you travel.

  • Every day you work on a set sequence. The familiarity of the postures can make the series a moving meditation and allows you to track personal growth over time.

  • Working with the same teacher every day allows you to build a strong relationship with your teacher, which in turn allows you to receive highly customized assists and modifications.

  • Because you're not setting up at a set class time, you have more flexibility to make it to class.


Moon Days

On the new moon and full moon, students are invited to take rest. At Bluebird Sky Yoga, we recommend taking rest on our non-Mysore days: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays closest to a new or full moon.

more info 


Ashtanga Yoga: Pratice and Philosophy by Gregor Maehle

The Heart of Yoga by T. K. V. Desikachar

Ashtanga Yoga Anusthana by R. Sharath Jois


2025 Moon Days (see calendar above)

BSY Mysore Ashtanga on Facebook